
Here are example queries to get you started. Feel free to copy these and change what you need.

Latest Student Feature Values

Specifying <STUDENT_ID> returns all the latest feature values for the student and the date they were calculated.

Note: Due to the different data types, the value will be in one of the text, int, float or bool columns.

event_ts AS score_date
, institution_person_id
, civ_continuation_feature_id
, civ_continuation_feature_name
, civ_continuation_feature_description
, text_value
, int_value
, float_value
, bool_value
FROM data_mart.fact_continuation_feature_latest
INNER JOIN data_mart.dim_continuation_feature USING (dim_continuation_feature_id, institution_id)
INNER JOIN data_mart.dim_person USING (dim_person_id, institution_id)
INNER JOIN data_mart.dim_date USING (dim_date_id, institution_id)
institution_person_id = '<STUDENT_ID>'
ORDER BY civ_continuation_feature_id;

Student Continuation Predictions

This query fetches the latest continuation prediction score, the institution ID, and the date the score was generated.

scores.event_ts AS score_date
, person.institution_person_id
, scores.civ_career
, scores.prediction
FROM data_mart.fact_continuation_scores scores
INNER JOIN data_mart.dim_person person USING (dim_person_id, institution_id)
ORDER BY person.institution_person_id, scores.event_ts DESC;

Single Student Ranked Features


Individual feature ranked (IFR) functionality is not included with standard warehouse deployments. If you would like to incorporate IFR, please inquire with Sales.

This query returns the Civitas model features, ranked by importance for the given student.

Specifying <STUDENT_ID> returns the individual feature ranked (IFR) features for the student, ranked by importance. The most important feature has a rank of 1.

Note: This query returns only features for which an IFR value was calculated.

feature_value.event_ts AS score_date
, person.institution_person_id
, feature.civ_continuation_feature_id
, feature.civ_continuation_feature_name
, feature.civ_continuation_feature_description
, feature_value.text_value
, feature_value.int_value
, feature_value.float_value
, feature_value.bool_value
, ifr.feature_rank -- Most important will be ranked 1
FROM data_mart.fact_continuation_feature_latest feature_value
INNER JOIN data_mart.dim_continuation_feature feature USING (dim_continuation_feature_id, institution_id)
INNER JOIN data_mart.dim_person person USING (dim_person_id, institution_id)
INNER JOIN data_mart.fact_continuation_if ifr USING (event_ts, dim_continuation_feature_id, dim_person_id, dim_date_id, institution_id)
person.institution_person_id = '<STUDENT_ID>'
ORDER BY feature.civ_continuation_feature_id;

Student Completion Predictions

Specifying '<STUDENT_ID>' returns the latest 4-year completion prediction for the student. Enrollment flag and actual completion outcome can also be obtained by joining with other tables in the data warehouse.

-- Find the terms a student has an active enrollment in for each of their careers (academic levels).
WITH student_enrollment AS (
, enrollment.civ_career_id AS civ_career
, section.civ_term_id
, enrollment.civ_is_enrolled
FROM data_mart.fact_enroll enroll
INNER JOIN data_mart.dim_enrollment enrollment USING (dim_enrollment_id)
INNER JOIN data_mart.dim_section section USING (dim_section_id)
enrollment.dim_enrollment_id != 'null_row'
AND section.dim_section_id != 'null_row'
AND enrollment.civ_is_enrolled = 1
-- Find the earliest term the student has graduated in for each of their careers (academic levels).
, earliest_completion_term AS (
, term.civ_career_id AS civ_career
, MIN(term.civ_career_term_id) AS completion_career_term_id
FROM data_mart.fact_graduation graduation
INNER JOIN data_mart.dim_person person USING (dim_person_id)
INNER JOIN data_mart.dim_career_term term USING (dim_career_term_id)
graduation.civ_is_award_conferred = 1
GROUP BY person.raw_person_id, term.civ_career_id
scores.event_ts AS score_date
, scores.civ_term_id AS score_term
, scores.civ_career
, person.institution_person_id
, scores.prediction
, COALESCE(student_enrollment.civ_is_enrolled, 0) AS civ_is_enrolled
WHEN earliest_completion_term.completion_career_term_id <= completion.civ_end_term_sequence_no
END AS civ_is_completed
FROM data_mart.fact_completion_scores_latest scores
INNER JOIN data_mart.dim_person person USING (dim_person_id, institution_id)
INNER JOIN data_mart.dim_completion_window completion USING (dim_completion_window_id, institution_id, civ_career)
LEFT JOIN student_enrollment USING (raw_person_id, civ_career, civ_term_id)
LEFT JOIN earliest_completion_term USING (raw_person_id, civ_career)
scores.window_length = 4 -- Adjust this for the graduation window you would like to use (4 year, 5 year, etc.). To see your configured windows: SELECT DISTINCT window_length FROM data_mart.dim_completion_window;
AND person.institution_person_id = '<STUDENT_ID>';